Sobresalto XXX Century
Female, 015 Sep. 2006, LOI 07/30794, owner G.Digovic, breeder A.Rovani - registrated SLRWH-000319 dd.2 Oct.2007
colour sable brindle
BISS, It, Dutch, German, Int Ch.
Sobresalto Pourquoi Pas

Rivarco Band of Gold

Int.Ch. USACh. Canada Ch.
Airescot Gold Field

Rivarco Gotothetop

Sportingfields Cyber Punk

Rivarco Pepita

Austr Fin Danish Norw Swed Ch
Statuesque Extortion

Int Can Swed Danish Norw Ch
Paris Beatrix of Tiber

Nevedith Justa Joker

Rivarco Hollyhurst

BIS, SBIS, Fin Nor Swed Can Am Ch, FCh, SC, ROMX
Sporting Fields Jazz Fest

Delight Peek-A-Boo

Rivarco Iron Duke

Rivarco First Lady

click to see complete pedigree with pictures on Whippet Archieves
Pedigree of Sobresalto XXX Century
Sobresalto XXX CenturySobresalto Pourquoi PasAirescot Gold FieldStatuesque Extortion (i.i.d.)
Paris Beatrix of Tiber
Rivarco GotothetopNevedith Justa Joker
Rivarco Hollyhurst
Rivarco Band Of GoldSporting Fields Cyber PunkSporting Fields Jazz Fest
Delight's Peek-A-Boo
Rivarco PepitaRivarco Ironduke
Rivarco First Lady
This pedigree was generated by
Slovenska psarna registrirana s strani FCI